Mobaxterm ubuntu
Mobaxterm ubuntu

mobaxterm ubuntu

# Add QT v5.15.2 sources to sources list and update Sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv # expand default volume to all available space Just copy and paste these commands in your terminal… You can SSH in using Putty or similar SSH client like MobaXterm. Basically, it is recommended not to add any additional software until the build environment is completed. You want to install your Ubuntu Server with only the defaults. We tested with 120 Gbs of disk space yet you might be able to whittle that down. Download Ubuntu 20.04.4 and install it on your computer or VM. Please feel free to ask questions here or on Discord if you run into any problems.įirst you should have ample resources for building Vircadia… the more the better but at the very least you should have at least 2 cores and 8 Gbs of Memory. It’s based on the work by nshan which he and I have tested extensively. This should be easy to setup but in this case you need to be connected all the time to your Raspberry.This howto will allow you to setup your own developer server for building Vircadia on Ubuntu Server 20.04.4. For example, Visual Studio Code (it's free and also has some ROS plugins) allows you to develop on a remote machine through ssh.

mobaxterm ubuntu

Some IDEs have a remote developing capability. You could also develop on the remote Raspberry Pi.Once you compiled for your Raspberry Pi, you send the binaries to your Raspberry Pi (rsync is a good option).

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Cross-compiling is basically: compile code for another target (than the one you are developing on). And the repository have a nice "Usage" section that describe how to use it. This is a little more complicated, but should be the more efficient.

  • You could cross-compile on your PC for your Raspberry Pi (your target).
  • This is not the best workflow, but this is very easy to start with. And then synchronize the sources (with git, for example) to your Raspberry Pi and rebuild locally.
  • Simply develop on your PC and compile on it to run tests, for example.

  • Mobaxterm ubuntu